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I do recommend EyeMedi Lasik Center

작성자 : 강남아이메디안과

작성일 : 2019-03-13 오후 1:57:14

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For people who are intersted in having eye Lasik surgery while stay in Korea.

I was ner sighted and atgmatic. I had been wearing contact lenses and glasses more than a decade. The mind of getting rid of glasse hunted mebadly.

So I finally did it. it's been 3 months afte my surgery at eye medi.

The facility is clean and well-maintained.

Mr. Young Jin Choo and Dr. Lee are very kind and knowledgeable.

They looked after me and truly cared about my recovery.

Now I can see very well and be able to exercise freely.

I do recommend EyeMedi Lasik Center


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