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I would highly recommend EyeMedi to anyone looking to have corrective eye surgery.

작성자 : 강남아이메디안과

작성일 : 2019-02-28 오후 7:38:14

George Cupa님이 EyeMedi Lasik Center 페이지를 추천합니다.

EyeMedi is a great clinic. The facility is clean and well-maintained. The staff have been the best medical doctors I’ve had. They looked after me and truly cared about my health. It has been 6 months since my surgery, my vision is perfect and my eyes are healthy. I would highly recommend EyeMedi to anyone looking to have corrective eye surgery.

이미지: 사람 3명, 추영진님 포함, 웃고 있음, 사람들이 서 있음, 실내
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