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[핫이슈] 실내선 눈 뻑뻑, 야외선 눈물 줄줄? 루테인·오메가3 드세요
2016-11-22 오후 2:16:02실내선 눈 뻑뻑, 야외선 눈물 줄줄? 루테인·오메가3 드세요 [출처: 중앙일보][건강한 가족] http://news.joins.com/article/20900173
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 컬러 콘택트렌즈, 일부 제품 기준 부적합 각막염 우려
2016-11-21 오후 4:30:28'컬러 콘택트렌즈', 일부 제품 기준 부적합 '각막염' 우려 [아시아경제] 2016.11.17 기사발췌 http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2016111711474850501
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I highly recommend Eyemedi to anyone considering...
2016-11-17 오후 12:59:11Allison Jin님이EyeMedi Lasik Center에 대한 리뷰를 남겼습니다 ?별 5개11월 10일 오후 1:54· Five months ago, I finally opted to get LASEK at Eyemedi in Gangnam after years of uncertainty and hesitation. I'm so glad I did. My surgery was quick and pain...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] In August, I had LASEK surgery here. My vision i...
2016-11-14 오후 12:09:06Meghan Barrett님이추영진님과 함께Eyemedi Vision Center에 체크인했습니다10월 29일 오전 10:35·서울특별시 서울· In August, I had LASEK surgery here. My vision is amazing now. If anyone here in Seoul is thinking about it~ do it! And, I highly recommend this place! ...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] This is the best decision I made to choose here ...
2016-11-12 오후 3:34:47Prasoeur Suon님이EyeMedi Lasik Center에 대한 리뷰를 남겼습니다 ?별 5개11월 2일 오전 10:42· I really had excellent experience at the clinic. Just now I did my last check up. You know what, I can read the last line without any problem. The doctor did an ...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Natalie received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #Eyem...
2016-11-10 오전 10:35:24Nataliereceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center?? ? #Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location 9th Floor, Clock Tower Building 820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu...
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 가을철 알레르기 결막염, 각막 혼탁·시력 저하로 이어지기도
2016-11-10 오전 9:47:10가을철 알레르기 결막염, 각막 혼탁·시력 저하로 이어지기도 [헬스조선] 2016.11.08 기사발췌 http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/11/08/2016110802923.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I would gladly recommend this to anyone interest...
2016-11-05 오후 1:53:44Stephen Chen님이EyeMedi Lasik Center에 대한 리뷰를 남겼습니다 ?별 5개10월 29일 오전 8:01· Amazing experience. Very friendly staff and they take care of you through out the whole step before, during, and after. I was in and out of surgery very quickly. ...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Thank you to the staff and doctors at EyeMedi!!
2016-11-04 오전 11:51:10Meghan Barrett님이EyeMedi Lasik Center에 대한 리뷰를 남겼습니다 ?별 5개10월 28일 오후 5:01· Thank you to the staff and doctors at EyeMedi!! I had Lasek surgery here in August and I can see everything! Goodbye contacts and glasses! ?
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Prasoeur received #LASIK surgery at Gangnam #Eye...
2016-11-03 오후 12:34:49Prasoeurreceived#LASIKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center?? ? #Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location 9th Floor, Clock Tower Building 820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul-si, South...