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[아이메디이야기] 근시 있는 청소년, 녹내장검사 반드시 받아야
2018-09-14 오후 1:10:36“근시 있는 청소년, 녹내장검사 반드시 받아야”원문보기: http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201809101047002&code=900303#csidxb8e12b9b32e920f832bb515715d7f46
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Jessica Vankleeck received #LASEK surgery at Gan...
2018-09-07 오후 12:52:19Jessica Vankleeckreceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangna...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Teresa Noble received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam ...
2018-09-05 오전 10:59:52Teresa Noblereceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 #강남아이메디안과 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, G...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Kelly Ekdahl received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam ...
2018-09-04 오후 6:21:33Kelly Ekdahlreceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 #*자가혈청수거함 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, G...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Gina Modica received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #...
2018-09-03 오후 5:49:37Gina Modicareceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 #강남아이메디안과 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Ga...
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 오리무중 파킨슨병, 망막검사로 조기 진단 가능해질까
2018-09-03 오후 1:12:46오리무중 파킨슨병, 망막검사로 조기 진단 가능해질까출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/08/22/2018082200884.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 소아사시, 후천적으로 발생...의심해야 될 때는?
2018-08-29 오전 11:49:49소아사시, 후천적으로 발생...의심해야 될 때는?출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/08/20/2018082002090.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 눈 피로하다면, 아스타잔틴·루테인 챙기세요
2018-08-29 오전 11:47:28현대인 눈 건강 관리눈에 피로 쌓이면 안질환 유발... 전자기기 사용 줄이고 온찜질을매년 1회 이상 안과 검사 받아야... 오메가3 등 영양소 먹으면 도움출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/08/19/2018081901473.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I am so glad that I decided to come and get the ...
2018-08-22 오전 10:00:09Kelli Kuehn님이EyeMedi Lasik Center에 대한 리뷰를 남겼습니다 ?별 5개8월 17일 오후 4:45·Dr. Lee, Dr. Choo, and everyone else that works at eyemedi were so wonderful and kind! They are willing to answer any sort of questions that you may have, and you get a very detail...