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[아이메디이야기] [소소한 건강 상식] 당황하면 동공 흔들리는 까닭
2019-04-04 오전 10:16:48[소소한 건강 상식] 당황하면 동공 흔들리는 까닭출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/04/01/2019040103089.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 알레르기 결막염에 식염수? 눈물까지 씻어내 악화할 수도
2019-04-04 오전 10:15:50알레르기 결막염에 식염수? 눈물까지 씻어내 악화할 수도출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/03/27/2019032700967.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Today I want to write an honest review about Gan...
2019-04-01 오후 6:02:49Oi Oi3월 29일 오전 11:11·https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvky0w5npZm/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1elrswpd4eh7w&fbclid=IwAR1Rvol0Yt1--5jrVQRHHvn4zPTCvS0YPQp-c9End3er78_ZF7AWRr6Gw6c?Instagram의 OI 오이님: “Today I want to write an honest review abo...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Its been two months since I got LASEK! It has be...
2019-03-27 오전 10:29:01Aaron Torres9시간·It's been two months since I got LASEK! It has been an outstanding life changing procedure. I can see better than I ever have in my life!Young Jin Chooand the team and Gangnam EyeMedi did an amazing job throughout the process! T...
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 눈이 괴로운 계절 봄, 안구건조증 벗어나고 싶다면?
2019-03-19 오후 3:12:54눈이 괴로운 계절 봄, 안구건조증 벗어나고 싶다면?출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/03/18/2019031800990.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 나도 모르게 고개가 기우뚱? 사시 의심해보세요
2019-03-19 오후 3:08:23나도 모르게 고개가 기우뚱? '사시' 의심해보세요http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/03/14/2019031401646.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 눈 침침할 때 먹으면 좋은 음식 BEST 4
2019-03-19 오후 2:00:48눈 침침할 때 먹으면 좋은 음식 BEST 4출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/03/19/2019031900998.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] David Wood Christopher received #LASEK surgery a...
2019-03-18 오전 10:42:21David Wood Christopherreceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, G...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Tina Tran received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #Ey...
2019-03-15 오전 10:56:54Tina Tranreceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKorea#LasikKorea #LasekKorea #라식수술 #라섹수술 GANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-guSeou...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I do recommend EyeMedi Lasik Center
2019-03-13 오후 1:57:14Administration may delete if it's not allowed.For people who are intersted in having eye Lasik surgery while stay in Korea.I was ner sighted and atgmatic. I had been wearing contact lenses and glasses more than a decade. The mind of getting rid...