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[아이메디이야기] 원인 모를 안구건조증, 혹시 갑상선 문제?
2019-10-01 오전 11:50:14순천향대부천병원 연구진 분석 갑상선 이상 때 눈 면역체계 영향, 안구 튀어나와 건조증 유발출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/09/17/2019091700019.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 자동차 배기가스, 퇴행성 안구 질환 위험 2배 높여
2019-09-27 오후 12:53:25자동차 배기가스, 퇴행성 안구 질환 위험 2배 높여출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/08/21/2019082101472.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 빅스 혁 긴급수술, 실명 질환 망막박리 발생 원인은?
2019-09-27 오후 12:50:56빅스 혁 긴급수술, 실명 질환 '망막박리' 발생 원인은?출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/09/24/2019092400836.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 40~50대 눈 촉촉하게, 60대는 1년마다 정기 검진
2019-09-27 오후 12:49:2040~50대 눈 촉촉하게, 60대는 1년마다 정기 검진출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/08/12/2019081201957.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] In a way its a real magical experience and it wo...
2019-09-27 오후 12:06:09Amanda Lee님이EyeMedi Lasik Center페이지를추천합니다.18분·Bye Bye Glasses! After wearing glasses and contacts for so many years, it's so incredible to just be able to wake up and see what it's front of you. In a way it's a real magical experience a...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Kelly Bonnah #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #Eyemedi ...
2019-09-20 오후 12:57:04Kelly Bonnah#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center- 강남아이메디안과?#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKoreaGANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-guSeoul-si, South KoreaGangnam Stati...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I had LASEK at EyeMedi at the end of April 2019 ...
2019-09-19 오전 11:03:28Elizabeth Orth님이EyeMedi Lasik Center페이지를추천합니다.1시간·I had LASEK at EyeMedi at the end of April 2019 and I'm very happy with my decision! Everyone there is kind and encouraging, and they are dedicated to providing high quality services. They answe...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Cedric Stout #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #Eyemedi ...
2019-09-18 오후 2:00:22Cedric Stout#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center- 강남아이메디안과?#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKoreaGANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-guSeoul-si, South KoreaGangnam Stati...
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Yong Mei received #LASEK surgery at Gangnam #Eye...
2019-09-07 오전 10:45:48Yong Meireceived#LASEKsurgeryatGangnam #Eyemedi Vision Center- 강남아이메디안과?#Lasik#Lasek#Eyemedi#LasekinKorea#LasikinKoreaGANGNAM EYEMEDI VISION CENTER Location9th Floor, Clock Tower Building820-11 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-guSeoul-si, South KoreaGangnam S...