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[아이메디이야기] 예민한 ‘눈, 백내장 수술 시기 잘 결정해야 만족도 높습니다
2020-04-10 오후 12:10:08“예민한 ‘눈’, 백내장 수술 시기 잘 결정해야 만족도 높습니다”출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/11/22/2019112202392.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 나이 들어 찾아온 노안… 백내장과 구분하기
2020-04-01 오후 5:39:51나이 들어 찾아온 노안… 백내장과 구분하기출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2020/03/20/2020032004815.html
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 코로나 확진자 눈물에서도 바이러스 검출됐을까?
2020-04-01 오후 5:13:56코로나 확진자 '눈물'에서도 바이러스 검출됐을까?출처 :http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2020/03/26/2020032604982.html
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] I had my surgery in January. My vision became so...
2020-03-26 오후 7:12:38Julie Thompson님이EyeMedi Lasik Center페이지를추천합니다.3월 20일 오후 12:05·I had my surgery in January. My vision became so much better in just a few days! The doctors here are very kind and did a great job.I recommend to anyone interested in LASIK to come here.
자세히보기[연예인/외국인] Part 3: Getting Laser Eye Surgery (Lasek) in Sou...
2020-03-25 오전 10:06:47My doctor advised to take the anti-inflammatory eyedrops for 3 months after the surgery.Prior to Lasek: I have dry eyes but not to the point where I have to put eyedrops daily. During the consultation tests in Korea, they put paper strips on my eye...
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] Part 2: Getting Laser Eye Surgery (Lasek) in Sou...
2020-03-23 오전 10:58:24My surgery was at 2.30pm. Bring your sunglasses and hat so you can wear them immediately after surgery. And umbrella in case it rains.We first did more tests as Mr Choo needed to recheck my vision.After that, Dr Lee did my surgery. While the surger...
자세히보기직장인의 고질병 ‘안구건조증’ 예방법http://www.korea.kr/news/policyNewsView.do?newsId=148869052&call_from=naver_news
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 눈동자 위에 흰 막 덮이는 익상편…이물감, 난시 불러
2020-03-21 오후 1:03:55눈동자 위에 흰 막 덮이는 익상편…이물감, 난시 불러http://www.100ssd.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=67865
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 무심코 먹은 감기약이 녹내장 유발할 수 있다고?
2020-03-21 오후 12:56:02무심코 먹은 감기약이 녹내장 유발할 수 있다고?https://jhealthmedia.joins.com/article/article_view.asp?pno=21497
자세히보기[아이메디이야기] Part 1: Getting Laser Eye Surgery (Lasek) in Sou...
2020-03-20 오전 11:54:42I recently had Lasek (laser eye surgery) in Gangnam Eyemedi Vision clinic. Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post, I did not receive a discount, nor did I tell the clinic I would be writing a review. I’m just sharing as I do enjoy helping the gen...