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[아이메디이야기] 눈동자 침범하는 흰자위... 백내장 아닌 익상편일 수도
2021-04-02 오전 10:46:19눈동자 침범하는 흰자위... 백내장 아닌 '익상편'일 수도출처 :https://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2021/03/24/2021032402227.html
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자세히보기[아이메디이야기] 소리 없는 시력 도둑 녹내장…고도근시라면 젊어도 위험
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2021-03-04 오후 5:22:55Getting LASEK Eye Surgery in SeoulJULY 31,2018inDO,EXPERIENCES“But I love you with glasses!” My husband exclaimed.“I know, but I’m so tired of always making sure I have them with me and paying hundreds of dollars for a new prescription. In the long...
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